Monday, June 7, 2010

My feet hurt!

One Australian dollar = 0.65 Euro. This is only my second cafe au lait since I left home. I ordered a grande and not a petit which would have been a little more affordable, but the grande is still only about half the size of a regular at home.

I've been deserted by Tabitha again as as she spends the day with her Les Mis friends, so I decide to spend the day wandering around Ile Saint Louis. Ile Saint Louis is another island in the Seine and as it is sunday a lot of roads around the area will be closed to cars.

Here are a few of my favourite pics and places from the day.

Every sunday there is a bird market at the flower market. It was interesting to note that it was almost exclusively middle aged men and it seemed to be a bit like a meeting place where they were all standing around in circles discussing birds of the feathered kind.

Homelessness is very evident in Paris, as I guess it is in all big cities, but here many of them have puppies. Sadly the puppies are as listless as their owners, I'm not sure if they have taken on the personality of their owners or they are hungry.

Throughout Paris there are racks of bikes and it all adds to the romantic image. However, when you look closely it is obvious that most of these bikes are unrideable. The wheels are warped and twisted and the tyres flat, some are missing seats or handle bars. You begin to feel like you're on a movie set and that not everything is as it seems.

That's a restaurant down there. The door is only about 4 foot high and there is no signage outside.

I had to get creative to get myself in some of the shots.

There are gypsies everywhere. A lot of them travel the metro playing the accordian and then taking the hat around asking for money. The Parisians ignore them with total disdain and I can imagine it would be annoying being asked for money all the time. But these gypsies were busking in the streets on the Ile St Louis and were getting good money from the tourists.

I'm in this pic too!

I really enjoyed listening to these two jazz players.


Here's a short clip so you can enjoy them too.

"I don't think we're in Broken Hill anymore Cheryl"

An elegant frenchman enjoying his sunday paper and cigar, whilst sitting in the Square Jean XXIII.

Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris was inaugurated in 1607.

The conciergerie was a 14th century palace. I think this is one of the oldest medieval halls in Europe. The palace was later turned into a prison and torture chamber where 2780 condamnes were incarcerated before being sent to the guilotine.

Marie Antoinettes cell in the Conciergerie.

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