Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thunder in Tours

It has been a wet thundery day in Tours. I had planned to hire a bike and ride along the river today.

But unfortunately I spent most of the day in my cell, I mean room at the hostel. It's not that bad I suppose, particularly now we've got used to it, but having my own bathroom would be nice. Instead I have to trot about 20 metres down a dark hall. They seem very keen on conserving power here and the few lights there are, are on timers, so once outside your room it's almost dark and I need to carry the little torch I brought with me to get my key in the door. All the shower roses have been removed in the communal showers, it's a bit like showering under a dribling hose and you can have hot water or cold water but not both at the same time. It all adds to the adventure I keep telling myself.

I miss my Paris apartment.

Once the rain stopped Tabitha and I walked around the town and had some fun window shopping up and down the numerous alley ways in the Tours township.

We found this great square near the hostel. It's surrounded by bars and cafes and full of locals.

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